Democratizing Battery Health for EVs


May 9, 2024



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Democratizing Battery Health for EVs

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The increased adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) represents a shift in both automotive technology and consumer inclinations, steering the industry toward more environmentally friendly and sustainable options over traditional internal combustion engines. This global transition is highlighted by countries such as Norway, where electric vehicles constituted 80% of passenger vehicle sales in 2022, and China, the largest car market in the world, with 2022 EV sales coming in at 22%. However, as EVs become more widespread, the industry faces new challenges, particularly regarding the health of EV batteries. What issues do automakers face when it comes to EV battery health? What standards and assessments must they consider? And what role does connected vehicle data play? Read on to find out. 

The Significance of Battery Health in EVs

Battery health is a critical factor in the overall value and performance of electric vehicles. It influences not only the resale value and safety but also warranty claims and consumer trust. Traditionally, the responsibility of assessing a battery's state of health (SoH) has rested with automakers. However, the increased adoption and production of EVs is creating a need for independent, third-party evaluations to provide a more objective and transparent assessment.

The Need for Independent Health Assessments

Independent health assessments are gaining traction as a solution to several challenges in the EV market. These assessments aim to provide an unbiased analysis of a battery's condition, crucial for the evaluation of used vehicles, lease returns, and ensuring safety. Independent assessments address the dual aspects of a battery's health: its safety and its fitness for use. Differentiating these factors is vital for a comprehensive understanding of battery health, aiding in the estimation of the remaining usable energy and ensuring the vehicle's range and performance remain consistent over time.

Leveraging Connected Vehicle Data

Connected vehicle data emerges as a powerful tool in revolutionizing how we understand and assess battery health. This data, collected over the vehicle's life, offers insights that go beyond the capabilities of traditional testing methods.

The Challenge of EV Battery Health Standardization

One of the most significant challenges in assessing battery health is the lack of standardization across the industry. Current methods for determining SoH vary widely, making it difficult to compare assessments across different vehicles or systems. This lack of uniformity calls for the development of industry-wide standards that can provide a common framework for battery health assessment.

Opportunities in Data Utilization in EVs

Expanding on the opportunities in data utilization for electric vehicle battery health, leveraging connected vehicle data unveils vast potential for enhancing the EV experience. Data collected with data logging solutions like Sibros’ Deep Logger provide a real-time, comprehensive view of battery performance across various conditions, enabling predictive maintenance and personalized usage recommendations. By analyzing patterns and anomalies, stakeholders can preemptively address potential issues, optimizing battery life and vehicle reliability. Furthermore, this wealth of data facilitates a deeper understanding of battery wear, guiding the development of more accurate lifespan predictions and maintenance schedules.

The utilization of connected vehicle data also plays a crucial role in refining warranty and resale value assessments. It enables a more nuanced approach to warranty terms, tailored to the actual condition and usage patterns of the battery, thereby building trust and transparency with consumers. For the resale market, detailed battery health reports derived from connected data can significantly enhance the value proposition of used EVs, ensuring buyers have a clear understanding of what they are purchasing.

Moreover, the aggregation and analysis of this data across the industry can accelerate the standardization of battery health metrics and foster innovation in battery technology and management systems. Such advancements not only promise to improve the EV ownership experience but also support the broader goals of sustainability and reduced environmental impact, marking a significant step forward in the electric mobility journey.

Navigating the Complexities of Battery Health

Achieving a standardized, transparent approach to battery health includes overcoming several technical and regulatory complexities. It involves balancing the need for detailed, accurate assessments with concerns over data privacy and protecting proprietary information.

The technical challenges in assessing battery health stem from the diverse methods and algorithms used to measure SoH. The industry currently lacks a unified approach to these assessments, leading to discrepancies and confusion. Addressing this issue requires collaboration among automakers, battery manufacturers, and other stakeholders to develop standardized testing and measurement techniques.

Beyond technical hurdles, regulatory and ethical considerations play a crucial role in the utilization of connected vehicle data. Ensuring data privacy and security is paramount, as is the need to establish clear guidelines for data access and use. Furthermore, the industry must navigate the ethical implications of data sharing and usage, ensuring that consumer rights and safety are always prioritized.

Driving Toward a Transparent Future

The path to democratizing battery health for EVs is complex, but the potential rewards are significant. By leveraging connected vehicle data and working towards industry-wide standardization, stakeholders can enhance the transparency and reliability of battery health assessments and OEMs can further empower EV owners by providing actionable feedback on practices that help preserve their battery’s SOH. This includes guidance on optimal charging times and driving behaviors that can extend battery life, thereby maintaining the vehicle's value and functionality.

Democratizing EV battery health also opens up new avenues for assessing a vehicle’s residual value. Unlike internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, which are often evaluated based on a crude measure like the odometer reading, EVs offer a more precise method for assessing the vehicle’s SOH and value through detailed battery data. This becomes even more critical when exploring different ownership models. For example, residual value is a key determinant in lease pricing. In the future, we may see new opportunities that incentivize current owners to better preserve their vehicle’s SOH, paving the way for more sustainable automotive practices.

In conclusion, the quest to democratize battery health in electric vehicles is not just a technical challenge but a comprehensive effort that involves addressing regulatory, ethical, and privacy concerns. The successful implementation of standardized, transparent battery health assessments will require collaboration across the entire automotive ecosystem. As the industry moves forward, the goal remains clear: to ensure that electric vehicles are not only a cleaner alternative but also a reliable and trustworthy option for consumers worldwide. To learn more about how Sibros Deep Logger solution can help monitor and maintain your EV battery solutions, contact us today.

Steve Schwinke
Steve Schwinke
Steve Schwinke is the VP of Customer Engagement at Sibros, working closely with OEMs and Tier One suppliers to accelerate their connected vehicle solutions. He is a senior Connected Experience Executive who goes beyond the obvious solutions delivering impactful results by building highly effective teams utilizing design thinking and unleashing individual’s full potential. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) and Master of Science in Wireless Communication Systems degree from Santa Clara University, and has been granted 34 patents in the area of telematics and connected vehicles. His cultural values include obsessively building trust, delivering on commitments, constructive conflict and recognizing others.